Lightroom has many powerful tools to help organise and review photos. In fact the choice of options for setting up a workflow is almost overwhelming. In this article I’ll explain how you can use these tools together to quickly shortlist and edit photos.
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How I worked through a backlog of 70,000 photos
If you have a passion for photography, then there’s a good chance you shoot more photos than you’ll ever manage to work on. In this article I offer a practical way for you to work through a backlog of photos using Adobe’s Lightroom Classic. And with the Covid-19 pandemic disrupting travel and keeping us all at home, there’s no better time to take on the challenge.
Continue reading How I worked through a backlog of 70,000 photosHow to customise the metadata panel in Lightroom
The metadata panel in Lightroom Classic is an essential tool for adding information to your photos such as a title and caption, location, and copyright information. But did you know you can customise it to suit your own workflow? Here I’ll show you how it’s done.
Continue reading How to customise the metadata panel in LightroomThe best folder and file naming conventions for photographers, and more
Being organised and efficient is a key ingredient to success in any business. This is especially true of photography, where we deal with thousands of digital assets on a daily basis. Here’s a rundown of the best practises for storing, organising and naming photos. I also share my own unique folder and file naming convention.
Continue reading The best folder and file naming conventions for photographers, and more