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- Restoring a Victorian country houseWe spent a number of years renovating an old Victorian country house, including rebuilding a stable block into an annex. See a range of photos depicting the home improvement and construction work.
- Covid-19 lockdown in the UKThe global pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, from healthcare to haircuts. Rachael and I had to be especially careful, as we take care of her 89-year old mum. Here is a series of intimate portraits from our everyday lives.
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Latest news
- On the cover of National Geographic magazineIt has to be the highlight of every travel photographer’s career: A National Geographic cover photo! Here’s how I did it…
- Surviving lockdown as a photographerThis year has seen the world turned upside down by a global pandemic, making travel photography tough, perhaps even unethical. And so we decided that all photography trips were off the agenda this summer.
Behind the camera
- How to use flags, stars and labels together in LightroomLightroom has many powerful tools to help organise and review photos. In fact the choice of options for setting up a workflow is almost overwhelming. In this article I’ll explain how you can use these tools together to quickly shortlist and edit photos.
- Food photography tips: 7 things I learnt from a watermelon“Is this any good for a stock photo?” said Rachael, as she produced a large watermelon out of a shopping bag. On this latest shoot, prompted by Rachael’s fruity purchase, I set about trying to make slices of watermelon look interesting. It proved to be quite a challenge and I learnt a few things about food photography along the way.