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Kew Gardens

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LONDON, UK – 18 April 2014. Museum No 1, lake and formal gardens in Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. The gardens were founded in 1840 and are of international significance for botanical research and education.

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Museum No 1, lake and formal gardens in Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. The gardens were founded in 1840 and are of international significance for botanical research and education.: architecture,attraction,attractions,bed,bedding plant,beds,botanic,botanic garden,botanic gardens,botanical garden,botanical gardens,botany,building,europe,european,flora,floral,flower,flower bed,formal,garden,geometric,geometrical,historic,horizontal,horticulture,kew,kew gardens,kew royal botanic gardens,lake,landscape,landscaped,lawn,museum,museum no 1,museum number one,museums,old,ornamental,people,spring,spring time,tourist,traditional,victorian,visitor,visitors,west europe,western europe,white,yellow,london,flowers,gardens,uk,british,england,english,flowerbeds,buildings,tourists,flowerbed,landscaping,horticultural,springtime,lakes,person,united kingdom,architectural,botanical,plants,historical,grass,british isles,great britain

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Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM

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1/125s @ f/13, ISO 200, Focal length 28mm